GRADING POLICY AND COURSE DESCRIPTION-HONORS CHEMISTRY-KIRKMAN Chemistry is the study of matter. This course will include units of study dealing with inorganic and physical chemistry. In the study of these units, you will be involved in a number of various activities. These will include: laboratory work, lecture, group discussions, problem-solving activities, graphing, laboratory write-ups, written reports, and other individual and group activities. HOMEWORK & WRITTEN CLASSWORK(REQUIRED TO BE TURNED IN): HOMEWORK IS DUE WHEN YOU WALK INTO THE DOOR-WORK DONE AFTER THE BELL TO START CLASS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!!! Doing assignments prior to class discussion is VERY important in helping you understand this subject. You will be given a calendar listing what will be accomplished in class every day; your homework will be to prepare for that event. If the calendar shows that we will discuss chapter 2 pages 70-88, you should read those pages and outline them in your notebook. If your calendar states that I will discuss problems 9-21 on page 67, your homework would be to work those problems, show ALL steps- if it has a formula show it (USE PENCIL), circle your answer[LEAVE SPACE AFTER PROBLEM TO TAKE NOTES AND CORRECTIONS]). Homework will be checked for effort- 100% effort(you try EVERY problem, or answer EVERY question)!!!! IF EVERY PROBLEM/QUESTION DOES NOT SHOW WRITTEN EFFORT YOU WILL NOT GET CREDIT FOR THAT ASSIGNMENT. Answer all questions in complete statements; a "yes" OR "no" for an answer will not be accepted. Math problems must show the math steps you followed to get your answer-the answer alone will not be counted as acceptable. THE EXERCISES WITHIN THE CHAPTER HAVE THE ANSWERS IN THE BACK OF THE BOOK. IN ORDER TO GET CREDIT FOR THESE QUESTIONS YOU WILL HAVE TO WRITE THE QUESTION ALONG WITH THE ANSWER. Many students have found it helpful write the question on all problems; the final exam is open notes- many times an answer alone is not a lot of help on a chapter you did the work on many weeks, or months before!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!! IF YOU DO ALL HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE 18 WKS, YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO DROP ONE TEST GRADE!!! THERE WILL NOT BE A 9 WEEKS OR SEMESTER EXAM. A FINAL EXAM WILL BE GIVEN. YOUR GRADE WILL BE DETERMINED BY AVERAGING YOUR WORK FOR THE COURSE ACCORDING TO INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS HANDOUT! IF YOU COMPLETE ALL THE HOMEWORK/WRITTEN CLASSWORK ON THE MATERIAL OVER A TESTING PERIOD(UNIT TEST), YOU WILL GET A BONUS OF 5PTS ON THAT TEST!!! IF THE ENTIRE CLASS HAS ALL OF THEIR HOMEWORK ON A GIVEN DAY A 1 PT BONUS WILL BE GIVEN ON THE NEXT UNIT TEST!!! UNIT TESTS(40%): You will be responsible for all material covered in class AND material discussed in your text book. You need to be very organized. A notebook(your choice on type or style) needs to be used to keep all of the course material together. Unit tests will be closed notes. Final exam will be open notes. NOTES HAVE TO BE IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING- ANY PRINTED(except handouts that have been given to you in class), MACHINE COPIES, OR HANDWRITTEN DOCUMENTS WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE THAT IS CONTAINED IN YOUR NOTEBOOK WILL BE CONSIDERED CHEATING AND HANDLED ACCORDINGLY. Advance notice is always given for tests, therefore, tests will be taken on assigned day (unless an extended absence has occurred). If an absence occurs on a test day, arrangements for a make-up must be made immediately upon return(see next paragraph). IF YOU DO NOT BRING A CALCULATOR, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO USE ONE. BE SURE TO REMEMBER TO BRING A CALCULATOR WITH YOU EVERY DAY. Make Up/Retest: A date will be listed on the board for make-up/retest after each test. Make up tests will be given after school. Failure to take the make-up test on the assigned day will result in a zero on that test unless permission is received from the teacher prior to the assigned date. IF YOU MISS THE TEST ON THE REGULAR TEST DAY, YOU WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED TO TAKE THE MAKE-UP ON THE MAKE UP/RETEST DAY!!! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR GRADE, TALK TO ME AFTER CLASS OR WRITE ME A NOTE AND PLACE IT IN THE BASKET ON MY DESK AS YOU LEAVE CLASS. A 5 PT BONUS FOR HOMEWORK IS AVAILABLE ON ALL UNIT TESTS (SEE PREVIOUS SECTION)! A 5 PT BONUS WILL BE AWARDED IF YOU TAKE THE ASSIGNED TEST ON THE ASSIGNED DAY! A 1 PT BONUS WILL BE AWARDED FOR EVERY DAY THE ENTIRE CLASS HAS THEIR HOMEWORK(SEE PREVIOUS SECTION)! YOU MAY TAKE ANY UNIT TEST(TAKEN ON THE REGULAR TEST DAY) OVER ON THE ASSIGNED MAKE-UP DAY. IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON THE REGULAR TEST DAY, YOU CAN ONLY TAKE THE TEST ONCE!! THE SECOND GRADE WILL COUNT!(see make-up/retest section above) FINAL EXAM(20%): Will cover all material covered during the course and will be open notes(SEE REQUIREMENTS ABOVE). CLASS PARTICIPATION(10%): You will start off with 100 points each 4 1/2 week(progress report)period. A class participation grade will be given each progress report period. The average of these grades will be count 10% of your final grade. This grade is determined solely at the discretion of your teacher. The purpose of this grade is to reward those students that participate in class discussions, come to class prepared & ON TIME, and provide a positive class attitude. Points will be deducted from class participation for: tardies-TARDY #2 WILL GET YOU A WARNING/TARDY #3 TWO DAYS DETENTION/TARDY #4 AND ON WILL REMOVE POINTS (5 points for each tardy during that 4 1/2 week time will will be deducted) not bringing required material to class behavior that detracts from class progress (You will be expected to conduct yourself in a mature, responsible manner, and always display common courtesy(speech and actions) to others. not paying attention in class or during class activities(sleeping, doing other work, etc) PLAYING IN LAB/NOT FOLLOWING SAFETY GUIDELINES IN LAB WEAR YOUR GOGGLES!!! PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES ON YOUR PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATOR (YOUR MEMORY MIGHT BE ERASED) ATTENDANCE: If you are not in the room when the tardy bell sounds, an absence will be recorded in the roll book. If you are tardy it will be your responsibility to sign-in tardy in the TARDY LOG BOOK! At the end of the day your absence will be changed to a tardy; if you have a written excuse for your tardy, place it in the front flap of the TARDY LOG BOOK (be sure your name and the teacher's name can be read easily)!! According to school policy if you are over 10 minutes late it will be considered an absence. SOME STUDENTS HAVE NOT SIGNED IN TO KEEP FROM BEING COUNTED TARDY-THEY HAVE BEEN RATHER UPSET WHEN THEY TRIED TO EXEMPT THE FINAL EXAM AND THE ABSENCES RECORDED KEPT THEM FROM EXEMPTING THE EXAM!!! LABORATORY WORK(20%) ALL LAB REPORTS ARE DUE WHEN YOU WALK INTO THE DOOR!!! A detailed handout outlining how to write a laboratory report is included in this packet. This report will be due the CLASS day(when you walk into the room) following the experiment. No late work will be accepted unless due to an absence(WORKING ON THE LAB DURING CLASS ON THE DUE DATE WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF 50 WHEN YOU TURN IT IN). LABORATORY SAFETY RULES MUST BE FOLLOWED AT ALL TIMES!!! Failure to do so could result in you being taken out of the laboratory area(grade of "0" on that lab). The main reason to be very aware of safety rules is to make sure that you do not hurt yourself or others. SAFETY GOGGLES SHALL BE WORN DURING ALL LABORATORY EXERCISES-over the eyes, not hanging around your neck-eye glasses are not safety goggles! SAFETY GOGGLES ARE TO BE WORN EVERYWHERE IN THE CLASSROOM EXCEPT THE REGULAR SEATING AREA DURING LAB- TAKING THEM OFF TO WRITE, MASS SAMPLES, GETTING CHEMICALS, ETC. COULD RESULT IN SOMETHING ENTERING YOUR EYE. Failure to comply with safety goggle usage may result in loss of points on the lab you are performing. Sitting on lab table tops is not a safe practice. If you were to sit on an acid or base spill, it would make a lasting impression. A LAB FEE OF $5.00 IS REQUESTED TO COVER THE COST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED THROUGHOUT THE COURSE. Be sure to turn in lab reports-failure to do so is a grade of "0"-turning in something is better than a zero! (see paragraph on extra credit in this section) Spend some QUALITY time on the conclusion-it counts 50 points on each lab!! Make-up labs will be offered from time to time during the course. A make up lab is done at home and written up according to the regular format. A make-up lab will replace a lab of your choice with a grade of 100. NO GRADES OF ZERO WILL BE REPLACED WITH MAKE-UP LABS!!! If you are absent on a lab day it will not count against you, and does not need to be made up. EXTRA CREDIT Lab reports will be returned to you with areas marked that need additional work. You will be allowed correct these areas, and turn your lab report back in the following class day for up to 10 extra points(ALL AREAS THAT WERE MARKED HAVE TO BE CORRECTED on that lab- maximum grade will be 100). If you performed the lab and did not turn in, you may turn it in on the "lab regrade day" for a maximum of 50 pts. Make all corrections on a separate piece of paper and staple it as the LAST page of the lab report. WRITTEN REPORTS(10%): REPORTS ARE DUE WHEN YOU WALK INTO THE DOOR ON THE ASSIGNED DAY. LATE REPORTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS DUE TO AN ABSENCE(IF YOU WORK ON THEM IN CLASS, ON THE DUE DATE, AND TRY TO TURN THEM IN THEY WILL BE CONSIDERED LATE) Due dates will be given for each report. No late reports will be accepted unless due to an absence(if absent they are due the day you return). Reports are to be at least 5 FULL pages in length(not counting the cover page, charts, pictures, drawings, or bibliography), and in your own hand writing. At least five bibliography sources are to be included. THESE ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Topics will be on an idea, person, or concept covered in the text book during that part of the course. YOU WILL PICK YOUR OWN TOPIC! TOPICS THAT YOU MAY CHOOSE ARE FROM MATERIAL COVERED FROM REPORT DUE DATE TO REPORT DUE DATE(example material covered in chapter 1 would be a possible topic for report grade 1. It would not be an acceptable topic for reports 2,3,4,5, or 6. Your bibliography should conform to acceptable standards. Examples of correct bibliography form are listed below: "All in a Day's Work-Study," American Education (January-February, 1970), pp. 12-14. "Careers Without College," Ebony (July, 1970), pp. 120- 122 Feingold, S. Norman, and Sol Swerdloff. Occupations and Careers. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1969. Munschauer, John L. "The Anatomy of a Career," Journal of College Placement (February-March, 1970), pp. 35-38. Patton, Evelyn D., and Dora W. Steiner. Let's Look at Your Future. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1966. Sifferd, Clavin S. Selecting an Occupation. Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight & McKnight Publishing Company, 1962. In order to get a 100, your report must be 5 pages in length, on the topic you chose, in your handwriting, and have 5 bibliography sources. Points will be deducted for: incorrect length(-25 to 75) [WRITE ON EVERY LINE-DO NOT SKIP LINES-PAGE 5 MUST COVER COMPLETE PAGE!] material included not on subject-trying to fill space, large text size, excessive spacing between words(-25) typed or someone else's handwriting(-100) less than 5 bibliography sources(-25) improper subject(-75) You will be in this course 18 weeks, and will have 6 report grades. The average of these 6 reports will count 10% of your course grade. FINAL GRADE: The numerical average for the course will be calculated on a point basis using the following scale: A 94-100; B 85-93; C 77-84; D 70-76; F 70-0 FINAL GRADE WILL BE AVERAGED ACCORDING TO THE VALUES LISTED ABOVE AND SUMMARIZED AS FOLLOWS: 40% UNIT TESTS(average of all unit tests) 40% APPLICATION 10% CLASS PARTICIPATION (you will receive 4 grades-one each 4 1/2 weeks-the average of these 4 grades will count 10%) 2O% LABORATORY(average grade for all labs) 10% WRITTEN REPORTS 2O% FINAL EXAM(unless exempt by attendance policy) (if you exempt your final: tests count 45%, participation 15%, Lab 25%, and reports 15%) MATERIALS NEEDED: Notebook: type and style up to you Pencil or pen(all math work is to be done in pencil) Text book: CHEMISTRY: A MODERN COURSE Calculator: capable of doing scientific notation and log functions. Calculators may be used on any test. Borrowing calculators during tests will be considered cheating and handled accordingly. Graph Paper: 10 squares per inch.