Labs will be written with the following format-everything that is underlined is to be written and underlined in your write-up! The numbers in parenthesis after each section is the number of points that each section is worth. PUT YOUR NAME AND STUDENT NUMBER IN THE TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER OF THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR LAB REPORT. UNDER YOUR NAME PLACE THE NAME(S) OF YOUR LAB PARTNER(S), AND UNDER THEIR NAMES PLACE THE DATE. LABS HAVE TO BE WRITTEN UP IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER(-10PTS IF YOU DO NOT)!!! TITLE: The name and number of the lab PURPOSE: A brief statement telling what you are trying to do. DATA: Actual readings or observations in tabular form anything you can experience through your senses is data(sight, smell, touch, hearing, etc.) INCLUDE UNITS WITH YOUR NUMBERS!! IF YOU HAVE A DATA TABLE(FROM LAB SHEET) INCLUDE IT HERE AND PUT THE CALCULATIONS ON THE NEXT PAGE(IF NECESSARY)!! DO NOT WRITE "SEE ATTACHED SHEET" AND STAPLE THE DATA ELSEWHERE!!! CALCULATIONS: Any math done on data- if you add, subtract, multiply, or divide to get something INCLUDE UNITS WITH YOUR NUMBERS!!! Circle your answers. QUESTIONS: (If any-not all lab procedures ask questions) Write the question and answer it (briefly and to the point) GRAPHS: (If any) Use graph paper, fill the page with the graph, label graph at the top, label each axis with units, draw a line showing the trend of the lab(line does not have to pass through each dot!)SEE SAMPLE GRAPH IN NEXT SECTION!! GRAPH GOES HERE AND CONCLUSION WILL FOLLOW IT. CONCLUSION: THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE LAB!!!(50!) WHAT HAPPENED: Show pertinent data OR calculations -do not give lab procedure-express what has happened in in the lab to the point, and back up your statements with numbers when possible(10 pts). WHY IT HAPPENED: THE HARDEST PART OF THE WRITE-UP You may have to use outside reference materials to show the chemistry behind the experiment. You need to find the appropriate material to explain why the lab worked, and the underlying concepts that are involved.(20 pts)NO PROCEDURE/DO NOT TELL WHAT DID OR GOT IN THE EXPERIMENT!! You present the CHEMISTRY behind the experiment. RELATE THE LAB TO THE TEXT BOOK- State the page number in your book where the lab you performed is related to the material in your book-give a brief synopsis of what your book states.(10 pts) ERRORS: Discuss where errors affected your results. If mathematical values were used to prove your experiment and there is a known mathematical answer, express your error as percent error.(10 pts) %ERROR=RIGHT-WRONG/RIGHT x 100 Labs: A 20 point section called Lab Technique (LT) will be added to your lab grade. You will not write-up this section, everyone will start of with 20 points. Points will be deducted for not staying on task in lab, violating safety rules (goggles etc.), or disturbing or distracting other lab groups. SUBMITTING A LAB WRITTEN UP OUT OF ORDER WILL RESULT IN A 10 POINT DEDUCTION. |